Tuesday was the annual first rain of the season in Southern California and true to form, it exceeded expectations. Since it hasn't rained since last April, you can imagine the accumulation of oil on the freeways and the mess caused when the rain comes. There were record number of auto accidents and the commute home was triple the time it normally takes. People who live here don't realize that it takes longer for a car to stop on wet surfaces, and are totally surprised when they crash into the car in front of them, going sixty miles per hour. All the while texting their agent or personal trainer.
I personally like the change, especially when I don't have to drive anywhere that day. Of course I almost fell on my ass about ten times, because everything is slippery when you are rain deprived. Not to mention how exciting it is to observe storm watch on every television channel, every ten minutes, and the the big question - we will have mud slides or not? (Luckily we didn't this time.) The rain and cooler weather do remind you that we can actually have a season here from time to time instead of the relentless sunshine and heat. Plus it gives people something to talk about, not to mention the fact that so many people can legitimately wear boots. After two days of suffering, the weather is going to 90˚ on Thursday. Go figure.