It was ten years ago today that everything changed. I know there are millions of stories circulating the internet about what people were doing that day, memorials to those who lost their lives, and a recap of the day, with actual footage from the Today Show as it was broadcast on 9/11. Watching it all over again brought back all the memories and sadness.
People in California were far away from the devastation, but that doesn't mean we weren't concerned and feeling the pain. I remember watching the news 24/7 because we had televisions at work, and of course the internet. I was exhausted from compassion overload. One of the doctors from the hospital where I worked, was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, which brought it home on a personal level.
Like so many others, my whole life shifted an few months later, and I had to reinvent myself and make changes to my world as I knew it. I think the prevalent emotion was fear, and no one was spared. The collective vulnerability made us closer as a nation and people were actually compassionate towards their fellow man, at least temporarily. I went to New York City with my sister a few months later and was deeply touched by the flowers, teddy bears, love notes, photos and broken hearts that covered the sidewalks, around what used to the the two tallest buildings in the city. I was overwhelmed by the kindness of the locals, something I had not experienced in all my years of going to NYC to visit my in-laws. It was eerie and emotional, but up close and personal, had much greater impact. The photographs made you realize that so many people from all walks of life, never came home that day, and died a horrendous death. I hope that we as a country, never have to go through this again.